#164 September 24, 2021
Red Hat maintains a full set of container tools and libraries, bringing their pedigree in security and operating system engineering. The most notable of those tools, Podman, has had a surge in popularity this month, after Docker announced changes in their subscription model. Daniel Walsh leads the Red Hat containers team, and Brent Baude is the architect and primary maintainer of Podman.
#163 September 17, 2021
Prodfiler is a new tool that provides fleet-wide full-system continuous profiling. It is in some ways the second act of its co-creator Thomas Dullien, who is an internationally-renowned reverse engineer and vulnerability researcher under the name Halvar Flake. Thomas joins us to discuss his career, what you should profile in a distributed system, and why you can’t sell something with a negative cost.
#162 September 9, 2021
The most popular Ingress controller for Kubernetes is ingress-nginx, created in 2015 by Alejandro de Brito Fontes. Alejandro stepped down earlier this year, and the project is now maintained by a team including Ricardo Katz. Learn the history and what’s in the new 1.0 release from a pair of South American self-proclaimed sysadmins.
#161 September 2, 2021
Adevinta is an online classified ads company, operating many local brands. Daniel Megyesi is a DevOps engineer at Adevinta and maintainer of their central big data and Machine Learning platform, Unicron. Learn why they wanted to replace Mesos, how they aligned their engineering efforts to do so, and the choices that had to be made to provide an easy experience for their data engineers.
#160 August 26, 2021
KEDA, the Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaler, is a project that adds superpowers to the Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler, including zero-to-one scaling. Celebrate KEDA reaching Incubation in the CNCF by listening to an interview with maintainer Tom Kerkhove from Codit. But first, learn about Craig’s worst concert experience.
#159 August 19, 2021
Kubernetes lets us manage our infrastructure declaratively, so why do we still manage the underlying OS with a myriad of different text files? And why allow shell and SSH access to a machine that should be immutable? So asked Andrew Rynhard before creating Talos, a Linux distribution built for Kubernetes. He’s now CTO of Talos Systems, a company founded to take it to market.
#158 August 13, 2021
What is a telecommunications provider, if not a very distributed system? Kubernetes is becoming an important engine for the world’s telcos, especially as they roll out 5G. Vuk Gojnic leads the team rolling out Kubernetes across Deutsche Telekom (the parent company of T-Mobile), and he tells us how the worlds of telco and cloud have converged.
#157 August 5, 2021
It’s Kubernetes release day! The team that launched v1.22 of everyone’s favourite cluster management software was led by Savitha Raghunathan, Senior Platform Engineer at MathWorks. Savitha joins host Craig Box to talk contribution, containers and cricket.
#156 July 28, 2021
Sebastien Pahl is a pioneer of container technology, building the predecessor to Docker as a co-founder of Dotcloud. After working at some big tech companies, he’s back to the startup life as co-founder of Opstrace, a fully open source observability distribution, built on top of the tools you know and love.
#155 July 23, 2021
The idea of software supply chain security rocketed into the public consciousness in the last year, with the news that US government agencies had been breached. Priya Wadhwa is a software engineer at Google working on open source security, including projects to secure and verify container deployments. She outlines what is being done to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.