Latest Episodes:

#177 April 28, 2022

IstioCon, with Mitch Connors

Big week for Istio! Craig talks to Mitch Connors, Istio user experience working group lead and IstioCon program committee co-chair, about the project and the conference. Mitch talks to Craig about the news that Istio has been proposed to the CNCF.

#176 April 14, 2022

Language, Learning and Leadership, with Divya Mohan

Divya Mohan is a Technical Writer with SUSE, a CNCF Ambassador, co-chair of Kubernetes SIG Docs, and a mentor to new contributors. Learn how her love of language and learning led her from production support to the core of the community.

#175 April 6, 2022

Shipa, with Bruno Andrade

Bruno Andrade is founder and CEO of Shipa, delivering applications and policy “as code” to Kubernetes with a SaaS model. We discuss founding companies in Canada vs the USA, abstractions for deploying apps, and whether Kubernetes will really ever disappear.

#174 March 30, 2022

in-toto, with Santiago Torres-Arias

When is it safe to run software? When is it safe to drink orange juice? Are we a better judge of one or the other? Santiago Torres-Arias is an Assistant Professor at Purdue University, the team lead of the in-toto project, and a contributor to The Update Framework. He joins Craig to talk security in both physical and software supply chains.

#173 March 23, 2022

ThreatMapper, with Sandeep Lahane and Owen Garrett

ThreatMapper is an open source tool that hunts for vulnerabilities in your production Kubernetes environment, and ranks them based on their risk of exploit. It is built by Deepfence, who also sell a commercial product based on it called ThreatStryker. Co-founder/CEO Sandeep Lahane and head of products/community Owen Garrett join Craig to discuss how to decide what to open and what to keep closed, and just how deep his fence needs to be.

#172 March 17, 2022

Argo, with Jesse Suen

The Argo project is a set of four tools to help “get stuff done” with Kubernetes: Workflows, CD, Rollouts and Events. Jesse Suen is a creator of the Argo project and co-founder and CTO of Akuity, a company set up to provide commercial support for it.

#171 March 9, 2022

Parca, with Frederic Branczyk

The fourth horseman of the apocalypse observability, according to Frederic Branczyk, is continuous profiling. Frederic is founder and CEO of Polar Signals and creator of the Parca open source project. He and Craig talk all things Cloud Native observability.

#170 March 2, 2022

Kubernetes: The Documentary, with Josiah McGarvie

Six years after its creation, Kubernetes is the subject of its very own documentary film. Job platform Honeypot has released. Josiah McGarvie was Honeypot’s head of video, and the lead filmmaker for Kubernetes: The Documentary. Join us for the director’s commentary.

#169 February 23, 2022

Sysdig Cloud Native Security and Usage Report, with Anna Belak

Anna Belak learned about containers and security as a Gartner industry analyst. She is now the Director of Thought Leadership at Sysdig, who have just published their latest annual Cloud Native Security and Usage Report. Anna joins Craig to dicuss the report’s findings.

#168 February 16, 2022

Rancher Desktop, with Matt Farina

We’re back for 2022 with a look at Rancher Desktop, which recently hit 1.0. Its creator, Matt Farina, is today’s guest. Matt is a Distinguished Engineer at SUSE, was a founding chair of Kubernetes SIG Apps, and was recently appointed to the CNCF TOC.