#197 March 3, 2023
Emily Fox is a security engineer @Apple Cloud Services, a CNCF Technical Oversight Committee member and co-chair for a bunch of CNCF events including recently the Cloud Native Security Conference in Seattle.
We had a chance to talk to Emily about the first edition of the CNSC 2023, her involvement with the CNCF community. Her role as a security engineer and some career discussions.
#196 February 14, 2023
Benjamin Elder is a Senior Software Engineer at Google, a Kubernetes SIG Testing Chair & Tech Lead, and a Kubernetes Steering Committee member. In this episode we got to chat with Benjamin about the new kubernetes registry migration from k8s.gcr.io to registry.k8s.io. We also had an opportunity to discuss the community, the various SIG’s (Special Interest Groups) Benjamin is involved with the amount of work needed to drive the project forward.
#195 December 15, 2022
Leonard Pahlke is not only the Release Lead for Kubernetes v1.26, he’s also a co-chair of the CNCF TAG for Environmental Sustainability and a student working toward a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. In this episode, Leonard talks with us about Open Source contribution, environmental sustainability, and Kubernetes v1.26.
#194 November 24, 2022
Louis Bailleul is a Chief Enterprise Architect at PGS. After years of running highly-ranked super computers to process PGS’ seismic data, Louis’s team at PGS has lead a transition to Google Cloud. Listen in to learn about HPC in Google Cloud with GKE, and to explore using Kubernetes to do processing on vessels at sea!
#193 November 10, 2022
In this episode we bring you with us to KubeCon NA 2022 in Detroit, Michigan. We interviewed 15 attendees from various backgrounds and learned some cool insights.
#192 October 14, 2022
After four and a half years hosting this podcast (and almost 9 years at Google) Craig Box is moving on from the latter, which unfortunately means leaving the former. But the show must go on. In this episode Craig introduces new hosts Abdel Sghiouar and Kaslin Fields. We take a small look forward, and then a big look back.
#191 October 6, 2022
Dan Stein is an engineering manager at General Bioinformatics. Dan Stein is also DJ Fresh, a multi-million selling artist with two UK number one records. Learn about the surprising overlap between these two careers.
#190 September 29, 2022
Betty Junod, VP of Product Marketing at VMware Tanzu, kindly took up Craig’s challenge to explain the various parts of the Tanzu ecosystem, and how the traditional IT buyer and the modern cloud native really aren’t that different.
#189 September 21, 2022
When you think of a service mesh, you probably think of “sidecar containers running with each pod”. The Istio team has come up with a new approach, introduced recently as an experimental preview. Google Cloud software engineers Justin Pettit and Ethan Jackson join Craig to explore ambient mesh.
#188 September 9, 2022
Kateryna Ivashchenko is a Senior Demand Generation Manager at Teleport, an organizer of community events, and a supporter of the developer community in her home country of Ukraine.