#127 October 27, 2020
David Pait was a touring musician in pop punk band Sparks The Rescue. Now, he’s an SRE working on Kubernetes at an ad-tech company. How did he get there? And if you’re looking to change careers, how might you? Craig and Adam dig in.
#126 October 20, 2020
Bob Killen is co-chair of Kubernetes’ SIG Contributor Experience and was last week elected to the project’s Steering Committee. He worked in academia for 15 years, latterly working on research projects using Kubernetes, with a focus on computer security. He’s now made the leap to working on Cloud Native full time at Google. Bob joins us to explain why Kubernetes twitter is occasionally full of cartoon geese.
#125 October 13, 2020
Ramiro Berrelleza is CEO and co-founder of Okteto, a company making developer tools which simplify development on Kubernetes. He joins Adam and Craig to discuss how the open source project and company came about, going through Y Combinator, and the best filling for a Mission burrito.
#124 October 6, 2020
When your infrastructure is effectively infinite, you may have to keep an eye on your credit card. Webb Brown started a project that does exactly that - Kubecost, which aims to reduce spend and prevent resource-based outages. He talks to Craig and Adam about the project and the company behind it.
#123 September 29, 2020
Kubernetes makes it easy to run distributed workloads, but how do you make sure that replicas don’t conflict with one another? You elect one as the leader. Mike Danese, chair and TL of Kubernetes SIG Auth, joins a vegan and a carnivore to explain how Kubernetes implements leader election.
#122 September 22, 2020
Torkel Ödegaard is the creator and project lead of Grafana, and co-founder of Grafana Labs. Learn how Torkel went from modding video games to building a data visualization platform, and co-founding a company that is now offering a complete monitoring service built on Prometheus.
#121 September 15, 2020
Ed Huang is co-founder and CTO of PingCAP, creators of the TiDB distributed database and the TiKV key value store. Ed worked on clustering Redis while at Wandou Labs, creating and open-sourcing a tool called Codis. Deciding to focus on this space, he created TiDB and then TiKV, and founded PingCAP. He shares the story behind the projects, bridging the gap between China and the West with open source, and his Desert Island Disc.
#120 September 8, 2020
Melanie Cebula is a staff engineer at Airbnb, where she has built a scalable modern architecture on top of cloud native technologies. She regularly shares her knowledge in presentations focusing on cloud efficiency and usability, and today shares the story of Airbnb’s Kubernetes migration with hosts Adam and Craig.
#119 September 2, 2020
Keptn, a control plane for continuous delivery, came out of the need to install Dynatrace’s software at their customer’s environments. Alois Reitbauer is Chief Technical Strategist at Dynatrace, reponsible for open source, and a co-chair of the CNCF App Delivery SIG. He talks to your hosts about Keptn, observability after deployment, and how owning a 40 year old sports car is more “curation” than “operation”.
#118 August 25, 2020
Taylor Dolezal is a senior Developer Advocate at Hashicorp and the Kubernetes 1.19 release lead. His desire to give talks and join the CNCF Ambassadors led him to the release team and to his new job. He talks to Adam and Craig about how a TI-83 calculator started him on the path.